"My heart was taken by you, broken by you and now it's in pieces because of you"
Food is a powerful cultural signifier 2
2 READ PART 1 2. Ethnic foods in the global village Like ethnicity itself, Cultural cuisine only becomes self-conscious—the abstract reality when cultural boundaries crossed. Ethnic foods called into being in their encounter with the foodways of the other. They defined by difference. They only become recognized as after Being 'disembedded '10 from their locality and re-embedded to a new context Where difference makes them visible. Under globalization conditions, the high permeability of national borders has facilitated and accelerated the Dissemination of individuals, cultures, and foods. As people move, they take with Them their ethnic background and the signifiers that qualify it. Ethnicity does not Exist and of itself. Ethnicity does not exist outside culture -- it is constructed by It and featured inside. For Instance, The Pasta Channel 2007 Harris Poll, asserted that 'the most popular ethnic food in America is Italian meals. Conversely, in Europe, in 2010, the...